Weight Loss & Dieting

But in terms of salt, sugar and saturated fat, that http://finance.yahoo.com/news/garcinia-cambogia-extract-investigation-now-190000760.html meal is an example of what made the United States and United Kingdom rank high on the list of the world… Paleo diet impossible ‘unless you’re willing to hunt your food,’ says critic January 19, 2014 If you think you’re emulating caveman Fred or cavewoman Wilma Flintstone by following the traditional Paleo diet, it’s time to sharpen your hunting spear. Food and diet expert Michael Pollan contends that “unless you&#39… ‘True Blood’ star Joe Manganiello showcases ripped abs as stripper: His secrets January 19, 2014 If you’ve got it, flaunt it. That appears to be the new mantra for “True Blood” starJoe Manganiello, who is showing off his six-pack abs (no, make that eight-pack abs) in a…
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Scaling back on dieting

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‘Eating in front of the TV’: Top 5 weight loss mistakes to avoid


But this is one of the worstweight lossmistakes one can commit. When you skip meals, your bodys survival mechanism, slows down your metabolismto prevent you from starving. Also, this process of skipping meals will only make you hungrier and induce you to binge eat later on. Opting for several small meals all throughout the day is a much better option than eating two or three large meals. 2.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.ynaija.com/eating-in-front-of-the-tv-top-5-weight-loss-mistakes-to-avoid/